Apply now for an Elevated CEO Session to get 100% clarity on how to scale your leads and sales with evergreen sales.

The days of focusing on getting more and more leads, just to get more sales is over...


It's time to shift your lead strategy from getting MORE leads, to getting MORE QUALIFIED LEADS who are ready to say YES to your offer NOW. Set up your Semi Automated System within 14 days.

Our next cohort is open for enrollment and will close soon. You will be notified when client spots become available.

The 7 to 7 Formula is the SIMPLE semi-automated process to target QUALIFIED LEADS for weekly evergreen sales. Increase your sales, get clients BETTER results and get them staying longer. BONUS: With our system, you get to free up your schedule, so you have time to also live your life.

The 7 to 7 Formula is a SERVICE based program that is 100% focused on client results. We only win when you do. You get the system, the marketing experts, advisors, support and more.


The days of focusing on getting more and more leads just to get more sales is over. Buying behavior has changed, people are busier than ever and let's face it, show up rates are not the same as they used to be...UNLESS you change your system.

It's time to shift your lead strategy from getting MORE leads to getting highly qualified leads who are ready to say YES to your offer NOW. The 7 to 7 Formula shows you to how to target your Rich Niche audience (people actively looking for a solution), resulting in a steady flow of sales. 

The old way of getting leads results in your people waiting months or even years before making a purchase and you feeling like something is "off". 

It's time for a NEW model, one that takes them to that YES moment FASTER...and SIMPLER. We show you how to take qualified leads who want your help and turn them into buyers.

In the 7 to 7 Formula you'll build out your FAST CASH FUNNEL to get your prospects to that moment of saying YES to your offer, faster than ever.

The 7 to 7 Formula has 3 Objectives:

1. Build your semi automated Fast Cash Funnel so you have leads coming in every day and sales coming in every week. Simple. Low Tech.

2. Create content that brings your people to the YES moment FASTER than ever before...and so you're feeling 100% confident in your messaging and know it's attracting the RIGHT people.

3. Make more money. Have profit. The whole goal is to have MORE than enough money so you can make an impact and do what you want with it. The more money you have, the more good you can do with it.

BONUS: Get the mindset tools to feel confident and like you're in your ELEVATED CEO shoes. (aka you know that your business doesn't define your worth.)

Are you ready to Elevate?

There is a qualification process for each CEO. Our entire team delivers the experience and we only work with a select group of CEOs every month who are action takers, impact driven and committed to their personal and professional growth. As a team, we care for every single person who enrolls and we need to make sure that you are a good fit and you will implement the steps that you commit to.

The 7 to 7 Formula helps founders produce uncommon results and gives them freedoms that they only dreamed about, while making the impact on their clients' lives. This program is not for everyone.

*Only apply if you are SERIOUS about scaling your business with a semi automated evergreen funnel, for faster sales, better client results and an increase in client retention.

Meet Nicole + Dan

The 7 to 7 Formula was developed over the past 12 years of running our own businesses and operating a Facebook Ads agency.

Our team of advisors meet every Tuesday for our Client Success meeting. Every week clients are asked to fill out an LVTD Data Tracker to review their progress and data for the week. The team meets to review their data and make sure every client feels supported and knows their next steps to take to hit their goal.

NOTE: The 7 to 7 Formula values SIMPLICITY. Simplicity is the entire basis for our process because we don't have time for overcomplicating. The 727 is NOT another course. It's a service. November enrollment is open now and when client spots open, we will email you. We only take limited spots per month.